Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A Summer Disappointment

Man. I have been a little isolated for the past week or so due to some health issues that arose. I haven't been able to get out and go jogging or go swimming, which I find to be very enjoyable during the summer weather.

Now that I'm out of my slump I'm so looking forward to what I might do this Summer, after all, I've been manifesting that this will be a great Summer. So, for the past few months my friend and I have been planning to get together with another friend of mine and go to the Lake and have a BBQ and swim. I was especially excited because it wasn't just going to be the three of us, she was also going to bring her brother and her brother's boyfriend (they're both really cool). It's very hard for her to make a solid plan and because of that it's been taking a while to sit her down and talk about what we can do. The more that I've gotten her to talk with me about it the more that it sounds like she's not even going to go. I don't understand why. When we first talked about it - she was all for it and she seemed really excited and that made me so thrilled! Then she told me, which she hadn't mentioned before when I told her that I wanted her brother to come, that she wouldn't feel comfortable, nor would she attend if her brother was. I was confused. Tonight we went to the park and practiced some yoga and meditation and I was able to talk with her about it. She seemed to be a little unsure at first, but then she made it clear to me that she doesn't even "do" what I have been wanting us all to do. HOw could she not just tell me that before? Why didn't she? She doesn't "mix" friends and she refuses to go with her brother.

I had this dream for the gather with a small group of people that I really adore and just have fun at the Lake! Now, I'm thinking that it wont even happen. . . If it does it wont be the same without her.

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